Company presentation


Trade-manufacturing Holding ‘Santechkomplect’ is the largest packaged supplier of equipment, items and materials aimed for market of plumbing sanitary and engineering equipment for construction and repair process utilities. The Company was established in 1992 as a wholesale and retail trade entity focused on distributing of plumbing sanitary and engineering equipment aimed for domestic, commercial and industrial buildings. Within a short period the company took a leading position on the Russian market. Today Holding ‘Santechkomplect’ unites 14 sales and buying companies in Russia and abroad, 3 production plants, company’s brand multi-branch distributing, high-capacity warehouse and motor vehicle fleet.

Holding ‘Santechkomplect’  ‘s Key advantage  is a possibility to complete all engineering systems for construction and repair facilities of any size and range from a unit up to house complex. There are over 50 000 items from leading domestic and foreign producers in company range. Being a dealer of more than 70 suppliers and 500 partners, ‘Santechkomlpect’ provides a wide range of goods, short time of deliveries, benefit price proposal. Particular attention the company pays to the quality of the goods, carefully and responsibly choosing suppliers and conducting strict technical control in our production plants.

Wide range of goods and high service standards are the area of ‘Santechkomplect’ priority. Own production facilities, set of exclusive offers, computer aided warehouse logistics, motor vehicle and materials handling machine fleet, high-qualified job of purchase and sales managers and effective marketing support makes it possible.

All above combined makes the company possible to develop unique offers and ready-made solutions that cannot but appreciate highly our customers.

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